Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Nick's & Tony's Birthdays

Nick celebrated his 20th birthday on June 18. It was a busy work day for the in-country staff, as a large team of volunteers was visiting, but Nick took time to open his gifts after a late supper.

Tony turned three years old on June 23. What a blessing he is to our family! A huge thank you to everyone from Blue Ball Church who sent gifts. He had lots of fun opening them!

We had a joint birthday celebration for the guys on Sunday, June 21st. We also included the Freed's foster daughter, Shyanne, who had turned five the day before.

We had a pinata for the children. I was pleased to find a spiderman - Tony's favorite!

As you can imagine, Tony loved whacking at it with a stick. We had a hard time convincing him to let the others have a turn. A bit later, we put off some fireworks in honor of Nick.

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