Saturday, February 21, 2009

Orphan Resources Warehouse

Nick and Ben are at the ORI warehouse this morning, Saturday, Feb. 21, helping to unload a container of milk. I thought I would include some pictures of the process on our blog.

Denny, Buddy, Ben, and Charlie unloading beans from a container.

After the container is unloaded, the items are sorted and stored for future use. Here Charlie is operating the forklift.

Denny and Ben are loading sugar on the pick-up truck. Currently, ORI makes food deliveries to 38 orphanages on a monthly basis.

Nick, Denny, and Maredith securing the load on the back of the pick-up. ORI provides the orphanages with rice, beans, sugar, milk, corn flour, and cooking oil.

Part of the warehouse is a workshop. Charlie, Nick, and my dad (Eugene Horning) are building bunk beds for one of the orphanages.

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