Saturday, February 13, 2010

Mayan Village

Yesterday we visited a very poor Mayan village with ORI's current work team. Our purpose was to distribute food to each of the families living in this impoverished village.

Charlie did a fantastic job driving the bus. It was a two hour drive, part of the way on very poor roads. We traveled on rough dirt roads, forded three streams, and stopped twice to wait for cows to cross.

When we reached our destination the villagers were delighted to help carry the food from the bus to the church. Even the small children helped.

This is the village church. We gathered here for a short service and the food distribution.

Our friend (and contact person), Carlos Fernandez, asked Charlie to say a few words and have prayer. He translated for Charlie. The adults all understand Spanish although it is not their native tongue.

Each family received corn flour, oil, sugar, rice, beans, and powdered milk. ORI board member Jay Hurst is helping distribute the food.

A little cutie! Each of the children received a bag of candy and stickers.

One of the village homes. There were a few concrete block houses, but most were tin or bamboo.

The kitchen in one of the houses.

Cliff Snader and Charlie with two of the village children - and a very tired Tony.

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