Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Birthday Party at Rosa

Yesterday afternoon we traveled across the city to Rosa de Amor. Sheryl and I planned a birthday party for all of the children at the orphanage. We wanted to make each one of them feel special, so we celebrated everyone's birthday.

First, we handed out the gifts. We had a few stressful moments when we realized that there were ten new children and we were a few gifts short. Charlie saved the day by running to the store and purchasing a few extra things.

Kati was delighted with her present.

Nelson, Fernando, and Ingrid opening their gifts.

Then we sang "Happy Birthday" in English and Spanish, blew out the candles, and ate cake! Thankfully, there was enough - just barely.

And, of course, no birthday party is complete without a pinata. The children loved it! Although, I was slightly concerned someone was going to be hurt in the stampede for candy!

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